Li, Teng
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
- Ph.D., Harvard University, 2006
- Society of Engineering Science (SES) Young Investigator Medal, 2016
- Summer Research and Scholarship Award (UMD), 2014
- E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award, 2012
- Keystone Professor (UMD Clark School Academy of Distinguished Professors), 2012~
- US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Fellowship, 2012
- NSF International Travel Fellowship, 2010
- NSF Summer Institute Fellowship, 2009, 2010
- General Research Board Summer Research Award (UMD), 2009
- The Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, 2007
- Best Poster Award, Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Thin film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior, 2006.
- Poster Award, Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Ceramics, Solid State Studies In, 2005.
- Outstanding Poster Award, Materials Research Society (MRS), 16 out of 1700+ posters, 2004.
- Best Poster Award (Runner-up),Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Thin film & Small Scale Mechanical Behavior, 2004.
- Founder and Editor of www.macroelectronics.org, an interactive information platform for the emerging field of flexible macroelectronics
- One of the two architects of www.imechanica.org, an online international community of Mechanics and Mechanicians
- Member and Chair, Technical Committee on Integrated Structures, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Reviewer: Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Scripta Materialia, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, AIAA Journal, International Journal of Fracture, MRS Proceedings
- Mechanics of sustainable materials
- Mechanics of energy storage materials
- Mechanics of soft and active materials
- Mechanics of nanoelectronics
- Mechanics of low-dimensional nanomaterials
- Mechanics of flexible electronics
Selected Recent Publications
- Delayed burst of a gel balloon (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019)
- Super wood (Nature, 2018)
- A multiscale crack-bridging model of cellulose nanopaper (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2017)
- Ultrafast self-assembly and stabilization of nanoparticles (Nature Communications, 2016)
- Mechanics of two-step lithiation of amorphous silicon (Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016)
- Extreme pseudomagnetic field in graphene by a simple stretch (Physical Review Letters, Cover feature of 11 Dec. 2015 issue, highlighted by Nature, Science)
- Cellulose nanopaper: Defeating the conflict between strength and toughness (PNAS, 2015)
- Hydrogenation Assisted Graphene Origami (HAGO) (ACS Nano, 2014)
- An environmentally friendly battery made from wood (Nano Letters, 2013)
- A Beaded-String Silicon Anode (ACS Nano, 2013)
- Electromechanical properties of graphene drumheads (Science, 2012)
Review Papers
- Super wood (Nature, 2018)
- Stretchable interconnects for elastic electronic surfaces (Proc. IEEE)
- Electro-Mechanical Properties of Graphene Drumheads (Science)
- An environmentally friendly battery made from wood (Nano Letters)
- Oxide Nano-Glue for Sodium Ion Batteries (Nano Letters)
- Nanostructured Paper with Ultra-High Transparency and Ultra-High Haze(Nano Letters)
99. J Cheng, Z Jia, H Guo, Z Nie, T Li, Delayed burst of a gel balloon, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 124, 143-158 (2019).
98. A Fox, U Ray, T Li, Strength of graphene grain boundaries under arbitrary in-plane tension, Carbon 142, 388-400 (2019).
97. A Fox, U Ray, T Li, Thermal conductivity of graphene grain boundaries along arbitrary in-plane directions: A comprehensive molecular dynamics study, Journal of Applied Physics 125 (1), 015101 (2019).
96. C Chen, Y Chen, S Zhu, J Dai, G Pastel, Y Yao, D Liu, Y Wang, J Wan, T. Li, W. Luo, L. Hu, Catalyst-Free In Situ Carbon Nanotube Growth in Confined Space via High Temperature Gradient, Research, 1793784 (2018).
95. Y Chen, Y Wang, S Zhu, K Fu, X Han, Y Wang, B Zhao, T Li, B Liu, Y Li, J. Dai, H.Xie, T. Li, J.W. Connell, Y. Lin, L.Hu, Nanomanufacturing of graphene nanosheets through nano-hole opening and closing, Materials Today (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2018.09.001
94. J Cheng, Z Jia, T Li, Dielectric-elastomer-based capacitive force sensing with tunable and enhanced sensitivity, Extreme Mechanics Letters 21, 49-56 (2018).
93. Q Meng, B Li, T Li, XQ Feng, Effects of nanofiber orientations on the fracture toughness of cellulose nanopaper, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 194, 350-361 (2018).
92. Y Bao, Y Han, L Yang, N Li, J Luo, W Qu, R Chen, AKY Jen, T Li, H Chen, W. Song and D. Fang, Bioinspired Controllable Electro‐Chemomechanical Coloration Films, Advanced Functional Materials, 1806383 (2018).
91. J. Song, C. Chen, S. Zhu, M. Zhu, J. Dai, U. Ray, Y. Li, Y. Kuang, Y. Li, N. Quispe, Y. Yao, A. Gong, U.H. Leiste, H.A. Bruck, J.Y. Zhu, A. Vellore, H. Li, M.L. Minus, Z. Jia, A. Martini, T. Li, L. Hu, Processing bulk natural wood into a high-performance structural material, Nature, 554, 224-228 (2018). doi:10.1038/nature25476
90. S. Wang, T. Li, S. Zhu, J. Dai, A.J. Diaz, E. Hitz, S.D. Solares, T. Li, L. Hu, Transparent, Anisotropic Biofilm with Aligned Bacterial Cellulose Nanofibers, Advanced Functional Materials, 1707491 (2018).
89. C. Chen, J. Song, S. Zhu, Y. Li, Y. Kuang, J. Wan, D. Kirsch, L. Xu, Y. Wang, T. Gao, Y. Wang, H. Huang, W. Gan, A. Gong, T. Li, J. Xie, L. Hu, Scalable and Sustainable Approach toward Highly Compressible, Anisotropic, Lamellar Carbon Sponge, Chem, 4 (2018).
88. D. Akinwande, C. J. Brennan, J. S. Bunch, P. Egberts, J. R. Felts, H. Gao, R. Huang, J. Kim, T. Li, Y. Li, K. M. Liechti, N. Lu, H. S. Park, E. J. Reed, P. Wang, B. I. Yakobson, T. Zhang, Y.-W. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhu A review on mechanics and mechanical properties of 2D materials—Graphene and beyond, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 13, 42-77 (2017).
87. X Zhang, WL Song, Z Liu, HS Chen, T Li, Y Wei, D Fang, Geometric design of micron-sized crystalline silicon anodes through in situ observation of deformation and fracture behaviors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (25), 12793-12802 (2017).
86. Y. Li, H. Zhu, Y. Wang, U. Ray, S. Zhu, J. Dai, C. Chen, K. Fu, S. Jang, D. Henderson, T. Li, L. Hu, Cellulose-Nanofiber-Enabled 3D Printing of a Carbon-Nanotube Microfiber Network, Small Methods, 1, 1700222 (2017).
85. Q. Meng, B. Li, T. Li, X. Feng A multiscale crack-bridging model of cellulose nanopaper, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 103, 22-39 (2017).
84. H. Guo, J. Cheng, J. Wang, P. Huang, Y. Liu, Z. Jia, X. Chen, K. Sui, T. Li, Z. Nie Reprogrammable ultra-fast shape-transformation of macroporous composited hydrogel sheets, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 5 (16), 2883-2887 (2017).
83. X. Han, Z. Yang, B. Zhao, S. Zhu, L. Zhou, J.W. Connell, T. Li, B. Yang, Y. Lin, L. Hu, Compressible, Dense, Three-Dimensional Holey Graphene Monolithic Architecture, ACS Nano, 11, 3189-3197 (2017).
82. M. Zhu, Y. Wang, S. Zhu, L. Xu, C. Jia, J. Song, Y. Yao, Y. Wang, Y. Li, D. Henderson, W. Luo, H. Li, M.L. Minus, T. Li, L. Hu, Anisotropic, Transparent Films with Aligned Cellulose Nanofibers, Advanced Materials, 29, 1606284 (2017).
81. O Graudejus, T Li, J Cheng, N Keiper, RD Ponce Wong, AB Pak, J Abbas, The effects of bending on the resistance of elastically stretchable metal conductors, and a comparison with stretching, Applied Physics Letters 110 (22), 221906 (2017).
80. H. Zhu, F. Shen, W. Luo, S. Zhu, B. Natarajan, J. Dai, M. Zhao, L. Zhou, X. Ji, T. Li, L. Hu, Low temperature carbonization of cellulose nanocrystals for high performance carbon anode of sodium-ion batteries, Nano Energy, 33, 37 (2017).
79. K.K. Fu, J. Cheng, T. Li, L. Hu, Flexible Batteries: From Mechanics to Devices, ACS Energy Letters, 1, 1065-1079, (2016).
78. Y. Yao, K. Fu, S. Zhu, J. Dai, Y. Wang, G. Pastel, Y. Chen, T. Li, C. Wang, T. Li, L. Hu, Carbon Welding by Ultrafast Joule Heating, Nano Letters, 16, 7282 (2016).
77. Y. Chen, K. Fu, S. Zhu, W. Luo, Y. Wang, Y. Li, E. Hitz, Y. Yao, J. Dai, J.Wan, V. A. Danner, T. Li, L. Hu, Reduced graphene oxide films with ultra-high conductivity as Li-ion battery current collectors, Nano Letters, 16, 3616 (2016).
76. Y. Chen, G.C. Egan, J. Wan, S. Zhu, W. Zhou, T. Li, M.R. Zachariah, L. Hu, Ultra-fast, Ultra-high Temperature, In situ Self-assembly and Stabilization of Nanoparticles in Reduced Graphene Oxide Films, Nature Communications, 7, 12332 (2016).
75. Z. Jia, T. Li, Failure Mechanics of a Wrinkling Thin Film Anode on a Substrate under Cyclic Charging and Discharging, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 8, 273-282 (2016).
74. Z. Jia, T. Li, Intrinsic Stress Mitigation via Elastic Softening during Two-Step Electrochemical Lithiation of Amorphous Silicon, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 91, 278–290 (2016).
73. S. Zhu, T. Li, Strain-induced programmable half-metal and spin-gapless semiconductor in an edge-doped boron nitride nanoribbon, Physical Review B, 93, 115401 (2016).
72. S. Zhu, J. A. Stroscio, T. Li, Programmable Extreme Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene by a Uniaxial Stretch, Physical Review Letters, 115, 245501 (2015).
71. H. Zhu, S. Zhu, Z. Jia, S. Parvinian, Y. Li, O. Vaaland, L. Hu, T. Li, Anomalous scaling law of strength and toughness of cellulose nanopaper, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 112(29), 8971-8976 (2015).
70. Y. Li, H.L. Zhu, S. Zhu, J. Wan, O. Vaaland, S. Lacey, Z. Fang, H. Dai, T. Li, L. Hu, Hybridizing Wood Cellulose and Graphene Oxide Toward High-Performance Fibers, NPG Asia Materials, 7, e150 (2015).
69. S.T. Gill, J.H. Hinnefeld, S. Zhu, W.J. Swanson, T. Li, N. Mason, Mechanical control of graphene on engineered pyramidal strain arrays, ACS Nano, 9, 5799-5806 (2015).
68. Y. Huang, S. Zhu, T. Li, Directional transport of molecular mass on graphene by straining, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 1, 83–89 (2014).
67. Z. Jia, T. Li, Stress-modulated driving force for lithiation reaction in hollow nano-anodes, Journal of Power Sources, 275, 866–876, (2015).
66. J.H. Hinnefeld, S.T. Gill, S. Zhu, W.J. Swanson, T. Li, N. Mason, Reversible electronic and mechanical properties of ripped graphene, Physical Review Applied, 3, 014010, (2015).
65. Z. Wei, Z. Jia, J.C. Athas, C. Wang, S.R. Raghavan, T. Li, Z. Nie, Hybrid Hydrogel Sheets that Undergo Pre-Programmed Shape Transformations, Soft Matter, 10, 8157-8162, (2014).
64. S. Zhu, Y. Huang, N.K. Klimov, D.B. Newell, N.B. Zhitenev, J.A. Stroscio, S.D. Solares, T. Li, Pseudomagnetic Fields in a Locally Strained Graphene Drumhead, Physical Review B., 90, 075426 (2014).
63. S. Zhu, Y. Huang, T. Li, Extremely Compliant and Highly Stretchable Patterned Graphene, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 173103 (2014).
62. A. Smolyanitsky, S. Zhu, Z. Deng, T. Li, R. J. Cannara, Effects of surface compliance and relaxation on the frictional properties of lamellar materials, RSC Advances, 4, 26721-26728, (2014).
61. Y. Huang, S. Zhu, T. Li, Line Defects Guided Molecular Patterning on Graphene, Applied Physics Letters,104, 093102 (2014). Supplemental videos: 1 and 2
60. S. Zhu, T. Li, Hydrogenation-Assisted Graphene Origami and Its Application in Programmable Molecular Mass Uptake, Storage, and Release, ACS Nano, 8 (3), 2864–2872 (2014). DOI: 10.1021/nn500025t Supplemental videos
59. S. Zhu, T. Li, Wrinkling Instability of Graphene on Substrate-supported Nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81, 061008 (2014).
58. Z. Fang, H. Zhu, Y. Yuan, D. Ha, S. Zhu, C. Preston, Q. Chen, Y. Li, X. Han, S. Lee, G. Chen, T. Li, J.N. Munday, J. Huang, L. Hu, Novel Nanostructured Paper with Ultra-High Transparency and Ultra-High Haze for Solar Cells, Nano Letters, 14 (2), 765–773 (2014).
57. C. Thongyothee, S. Chucheepsakul, T. Li, Nonlocal elasticity theory for free vibration of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Advanced Materials Research, 747, 257-260, (2013).
56. X.G. Han*, Y. Liu*, Z. Jia*, Y.C. Chen, J.Y. Wan, N. Weadock, K.J. Gaskell, T. Li, L.B. Hu, Atomic-Layer-Deposition Oxide Nano-Glue for Sodium Ion Batteries, Nano Letters, 14 (1), 139–147 (2014) (*: co-first authors) Supplemental videos
55. J. Wan*, A.F. Kaplan*, Z. Jia*, X. Han, Y. Chen, N. Weakock, N. Faenza, S. Lacey, T. Li, J. Guo, L. Hu, Two dimensional silicon nanowalls for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, (2013). DOI:10.1039/c3ta13546b (*: co-first authors)
54. H. Zhu*, Z. Jia*, Y. Chen, N. Weadock, J. Wan, O. Vaaland, X. Han, T. Li, L. Hu, Tin anode for sodium-Ion batteries using natural wood fiber as a mechanical buffer and electrolyte reservoir, Nano Letters, 13 (7), 3093–3100 (2013). (*: co-first authors)
53. Z. Jia, T. Li, Necking limit of substrate-supported metal layers under biaxial in-plane loading, International Journal of Plasticity, 51, 65-79 (2013). DOI:10.1016/j.ijplas.2013.06.007
52. C.F. Sun*, K. Karki*, Z. Jia*, H. Liao, Y. Zhang, T. Li, Y. Qi, J. Cumings, G.W. Rubloff, Y.H. Wang. A beaded-string silicon anode. ACS Nano, 7(3), 2717–2724 (2013). (*: co-first authors)
51. Y.J. Huang, T. Li, Molecular mass transportation via carbon nanoscrolls, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80, 040903 (2013).
50. Z. Deng, N.N. Klimov, S.D. Solares, T. Li, H. Xu, R.J. Cannara, Nanoscale interfacial friction and adhesion on supported versus suspended monolayer and multilayer graphene, Langmuir 29, 235−243 (2013).
49. N.N. Klimov, S. Jung, S. Zhu, T. Li, C.A. Wright, S.D. Solares, D.B. Newell, N.B. Zhitenev, J.A. Stroscio, Electro-mechanical properties of graphene drumheads, Science, 336, 1557 (2012).
48. S. Zhu, T. Li, Hydrogenation enabled scrolling of graphene, Journal of Physics D: Appllied Physics, 46, 075301 (2013)
47. C. Peng, Z. Jia, D. Bianculli, T. Li, J. Lou, In situ electro-mechanical experiments and mechanics modeling of fracture in indium tin oxide-based multilayer electrodes, Advanced Engineering Materials, (2012). DOI: 10.1002/adem.201200169
46. Y.J. Jia, W.P. Zhu, T. Li, B. Liu, Study on the mechanisms and quantitative law of mode I supersonic crack propagation, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60, 1447-1461 (2012).
45. Z. Zhang, Y. Huang, T. Li, Buckling instability of carbon nanoscrolls, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 063515 (2012).
44. A. Fox, D.R. Hines, T. Li, Probing the adhesion of submicron thin films fabricated on a polymer substrate via nano-transfer printing, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22, 095002 (2012).
43. K. Karki, E. Epstein, J. Cho, Z. Jia, T. Li, S.T. Picraux, C. Wang, J. Cumings, Lithium-Assisted Electrochemical Welding in Silicon Nanowire Battery Electrodes, Nano Letters, 12, 1392-1397 (2012). DOI:10.1021/nl204063u
42. Z. Jia, C. Peng, J. Lou, T. Li, A map of competing buckling-driven failure modes of substrate-supported thin brittle films, Thin Solid Films, 520, 6576-6580 (2012).
41. O. Graudejus, Z. Jia, T. Li, S. Wagner, Size-dependent rupture strain of elastically stretchable metal conductors, Scripta Materialia, 66, 919-922 (2012).
40. Z. Zhang, T. Li, Ultrafast nano-oscillators based on interlayer-bridged carbon nanoscrolls, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6, 470 (2011). (supplemental video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4)
39. Z. Zhang, T. Li, Determining Graphene Adhesion via Substrate-regulated Morphology of Graphene, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 083526 (2011).
38. S. Zhu, J. Galginaitis, T. Li, Critical dispersion distance of silicon nanoparticles intercalated between graphene layers, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012, 375289 (2012).
37. S. Zhang, T. Li, J. Huang, V. Shenoy, Low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials: synthesis, properties, and applications, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2011, 518189 (2011).
36. T. Li, Extrinsic morphology of graphene, Invited review, Modelling and Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering, 19, 054005 (2011).
35. C. Peng, Z. Jia, D. Bianculli, T. Li, J. Lou, In situ electro-mechanical experiments and mechanics modeling of tensilecracking in indium tin oxide thin films on polyimide substrates, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 103530 (2011).
34. T. Li, Z. Zhang, M. Benoit, Competing failure mechanisms of thin metal films on polymer substrates under tension, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 1, 041002 (2011).
33. E. Dechaumphai, Z. Zhang, N. P. Siwak, R. Ghodssi, T. Li, Resonant frequency of gold/polycarbonate hybrid nano resonators fabricated on plastics via nano-transfer printing, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6, 90 (2011).
32. Z. Zhang, T. Li, A molecular mechanics study of morphologic interaction between graphene and Si nanowires on a SiO2 substrate, Journal of Nanomaterials, vol. 2011, Article ID 374018, (2011). doi:10.1155/2011/374018
31. Z. Zhang, T. Li, Carbon nanotube initiated formation of carbon nanoscrolls, Applied Physics Letters, 97, 081909 (2010). Also selected to be included in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol 22, Issue 10 (2010).
30. Z. Jia, M. B. Tucker, T. Li, Failure mechanics of organic-inorganic multilayer permeation barriers in flexible electronics, Composites Science and Technology, 71, 365-372 (2011).
29. Z. Zhang, T. Li, Graphene morphology regulated by nanowires patterned in parallel on a substrate surface, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 103519 (2010). Also selected to be included in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol 21, Issue 23 (2010).
28. M. B. Tucker, D. R. Hines, T. Li, A quality map of transfer printing, Journal of Applied Physics, 106, 103504 (2009). Also selected to be included in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol 20, Issue 22 (2009).
27. T. Li, Z. Zhang, Substrate-regulated morphology of graphene, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 075303 (2010).
26. T. Li, Z. Zhang, Snap-through instability of graphene on substrates, Nanoscale Research Letters, 5, 169-173 (2010).
25. M. B. Tucker, T. Li, Strain delocalization in thin stiff films patterned with circular holes, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1, 557-568 (2009).
24. Z. Zhang, T. Li, Effects of grain boundary adhesion and grain size on ductility of thin metal films on polymer substrates, Scripta Materialia, 59, 862-865, (2008).
23. T. Li, A mechanics model of microtubule buckling in living cells, Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 1722-1729 (2008).
22. T. Li, Suitably patterned thin stiff films as general platforms for flexible electronics, Proceedings of the 57th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 1230-1234 (2007).
21. T. Li, Buckling of microtubules in living cells modulated by surrounding cytoplasm and filament network, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 1063, OO03-02, (2007).
20. T. Li and Z. Suo, Engineering education in the age of Web 2.0 -- Explorations through iMechanica.org, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, IMECE-2007-43550 (2007).
19. T. Li and Z. Suo, Ductility of thin metal films on polymer substrates modulated by interfacial adhesion, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44, 1696-1705 (2007).
18. S.P. Lacour, T. Li, D. Chan, S. Wagner, and Z. Suo, Mechanisms of reversible stretchability of thin metal films on elastomeric substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 88, 204103 (2006).
17. T. Li, Z. Suo, Deformability of thin metal films on elastomer substrates. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43, 2351-2363 (2006).
16. S.P. Lacour, S. Wagner, R.J. Narayan, T. Li and Z. Suo, Stiff subcircuit islands of diamond-like carbon for stretchable electronics. Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 014913 (2006).
15. S. P. Lacour, J. Jones, S. Wagner, T. Li, Z. Suo, Elastomeric interconnects. International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 16, 397-407 (2006).
14. T. Li, Z. Suo, S.P. Lacour, S. Wagner, Compliant thin film patterns of stiff materials as platforms for stretchable electronics. Journal of Materials Research, 20, 3274-3277 (2005).
13. Y. Xiang, T. Li, Z. Suo, J. Vlassak, High ductility of thin metal film adherent on polymer substrate. Applied Physics Letters, 87, 161910 (2005).
12. T. Li, Z.Y. Huang, Z.C. Xi, S.P. Lacour, S. Wagner, Z. Suo, Delocalizing strain in a thin metal film on a polymer substrate. Mechanics of Materials, 37, 261-273 (2005).
11. C. Tsay, S. P. Lacour, S. Wagner, T. Li, Z. Suo, How stretchable can we make thin metal films? Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 875, O5.5 (2005).
10. S. P. Lacour, J. Jones, S. Wagner, T. Li, Z. Suo, Stretchable interconnects for elastic electronic surfaces. Proceedings of the IEEE, 93, 1459-1467 (2005).
9. S. Wagner, S.P. Lacour, J. Jones, P.I. Hsu, J.C. Sturm, T. Li, Z. Suo., Electronic skin: architecture and components. Physica E, 25, 326-334 (2004).
8. T. Li, Z.Y. Huang, Z. Suo, S.P. Lacour, S. Wagner, Stretchability of thin metal films on elastomer substrates. Applied Physics Letters, 85, 3435-3437 (2004).
7. T. Li, W. Yang, Critical linkages of coalescing microcracks under stress loading. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 25, 499-508 (2002).
6. T. Li, W. Yang, Expected length of coalescing collinear microcracks under displacement loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 36, 17-21 (2001).
5. T. Li, W. Yang, Global scheme of Lunar-Earth information network. Proceeding of the First International Conference on Astronautics and Aeronautics, 477-480 (2000).
4. T. Li, W. Yang, Coalescence of microcracks in brittle materials. Proceeding of Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength Societies, KR02, (1999).
3. T. Li, W. Yang, LunarNet — An innovative project for Lunar mission. Proceeding of The Eighth International Space Conference of Pacific-basin Societies, 698-701, (1999).
2. S-L. Zhang, T. Li, W. Yang, Statistical strength of brittle materials with strongly interacted collinear microcracks. International Journal of Solids and Structures 35, 995-1008 (1998).
1. W. Yang, S-L. Zhang, T. Li, Strong interaction among randomly distributed microcracks. Invited paper in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Fracture, 4, 1971-1978 (1997).
Revolutionizing Water Access: Aquair Wins 2023 R&D 100 Award
Professor Teng Li's invention Aquair wins the 2023 R&D 100 award.UMD ME Faculty Ranked in Top 2% of Scientists Worldwide
The department is home to some of the most widely-cited researchers in their fields.New Research Could Spur Broader Use of 2D Materials
Rice, UMD lead effort to overcome major barrier.Sochol Named “Rising Star” in Advanced Materials Technologies
UMD faculty member Ryan Sochol recognized in journal's March 10th issue.Maryland Engineers Awarded Grants to Address Humanity's Grand Challenges
Twelve projects led by or involving Maryland Engineering faculty have been awarded funding through the Grand Challenges Grants Program, the largest and most comprehensive program of its kind ever introduced at the University of Maryland.Sarker Is Runner-Up for Springer Nature Best Paper Award
UMD, UMSOM recognized for breakthrough that opens the door for stem cell microinjections into the brain.Li Teng honored with USM Regents Faculty Award
Li will be honored for his for excellence in research/scholarship/creative activities.Wood That Can Cut Like Steel, Be Molded Like Plastic or Build Batteries?
Maryland engineers discover more new dimensions of an ancient material.Cutting Edge
UMD researchers make hardened wooden knives that can slice through steak.University of Maryland Engineers Have 3D Printed a Soft Robotic Hand That Can Play Nintendo
Achievement opens the door for new advances in soft robotics.An Improved Way to Fabricate Damage-Tolerant Ceramics
Research by Teng Li, collaborators published in Science Advances.Acevedo Wins Outstanding Student Paper Award at IEEE MEMS Conference for 3D Nanoprinting Breakthrough
UMD engineers awarded for 3D nanoprinting strategy that opens the door for microinjection applications.Computer Algorithms Help Improve Emissions Control
Keystone Professor Teng Li uses machine learning to gauge the performance of single-atom catalysts.Li Wins NSF Grant to Study High-Performance Cellulose Materials
Bioderived cellulose could be used in vehicles, construction.Building a Better, Eco-Friendlier Straw
Newly-published UMD research details a potential breakthroughLi Member of UMD Invention of the Year Award Winning Team
Awards honor inventions with potential for transformative impact on science, society, and the free market.UMD Invention of the Year Nominees Push Limits in Cybersecurity, Health, Quantum Computing, and More
Campus Innovators to be Honored at 2019 Innovate Maryland event"Super Wood" wins multiple awards
Professors Hu and Li receive over $3.6M in fundingSuper Wood Could Replace Steel
A new process could make wood as strong as titanium alloy but lighter and cheaperUMD Researchers Use a Simple Stretch to Create Powerful Pseudomagnetic Fields in Graphene
Researchers Make Breakthrough Discovery in Graphene ResearchLi Awarded Society of Engineering Science Young Investigator Medal
Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Teng Li receives 2016 SES Young Investigator Medal.Small Can Be Strong and Tough
The smaller the cellulose fibers, the stronger and tougher the paper they make, to UMD researchers’ surpriseLi Appointed Associate Editor of Extreme Mechanics Letters
Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Teng Li Appointed Associate Editor of Extreme Mechanics LettersLi and Hu Awarded NSF Grant to Study Challenges in Creating Materials that are Both Stronger and Tougher
NSF funds new research to tackle tough challenge in material design.Tiny Origami Boxes Hold Big Promise for Hydrogen Energy Storage
Graphene folds itself into programmable "nanocage" for hydrogen storage, beating DOE 2020 goaUniversity of Maryland Ranked Top Public School for Tech Entrepreneurship in 2013 StartEngine College Index
The University Maryland also ranked second overall.UMD Energy Innovations Featured Prominently in the News
Clark School energy research, including solid oxide fuel cells and wood battery, featured in variety of mainstream media outlets.A Battery Made of Wood?
Wood fibers help nano-scale batteries keep their structureClark School Celebrates Students, Honors Alumni and Faculty at Spring 2013 Commencement
More than 860 engineering students received diplomas at May 20 ceremony.Students Win Graduate School Dissertation Awards
Zheng Jia awarded Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, Jia and Jiajun Xu awarded Ann G. Wylie Dissertation FellowshipNano ‘Beads on a String’ Could Advance Battery Technology
Pulsing with lithium, tiny silicon beads on a nanotube hold promise for better batteriesSix Mechanical Engineering Students Selected for 2013 Future Faculty Program
Department has largest cohort in Clark School.Bringing Mechanicians Together Through iMechanica.org
Associate Professor Teng Li co-founded site that uses the internet to help share knowledge of mechanics.Associate Professor Teng Li Wins E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award
Li is the fourth Mechanical Engineering professor to receive the award for outstanding excellence in teaching.Li, Solares Achieve Tenure at Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME Professors Teng Li and Santiago Solares have both made contributions to research in the MEcommunity as well as mentoring award-winning students.