Institutes, Centers & Labs



Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE)

Principal Investigator: Michael Pecht
Location: 1103 Engineering Lab Building

The Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) is an interdisciplinary research center sponsored by over 150 commercial corporate and government organizations from all sectors of the electronics systems industry. CALCE is recognized as a founder and driving force behind the development and implementation of physics-of-failure (PoF) approaches to reliability and life cycle prediction, as well as a world leader in accelerated testing, electronic parts selection and management, and supply-chain management. CALCE is at the forefront of international standards development for critical electronic systems, having chaired the development of several reliability and part selection standards.

Center for Engineering Concepts Development (CECD)

Principal Investigator: , Dylan Hazelwood
Location: 3120 Glenn L. Martin Hall

The Center for Engineering Concepts Development (CECD) is a platform for experimenting with new ideas in engineering education, future technologies, and research, as well as examining their influence on public policy. The mission of CECD is to undertake activities to benefit the economic welfare of the state of Maryland and the nation by supporting symposia, special groups, courses and innovative activities of contemporary interest.


Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE)

Principal Investigator:
Location: 4164A Glenn L. Martin Hall

The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering is an international leader in research and education in environmentally responsible, economically feasible integrated energy conversion systems for buildings, transportation and electronic cooling. CEEE research focuses on advanced heat exchangers, alternative cooling technologies and fluids, integrated systems optimization, and integrated cooling, heating and power systems.

crr nuclear tower

Center for Risk and Reliability (CRR)

Principal Investigator: Mohammad Modarres
Location: 0151F Glenn L. Martin Hall

The Center for Risk and Reliability (CRR) was created in May 2004 through the merger of the Center for Reliability Engineering (CRE) and Center for Technology Risk Studies (CTRS). CRE focused primarily on the research and development needs of the industry in product and process reliability. CTRS mainly addressed the research and development needs of the government agencies in risk analysis and risk-informed decision making. CRR mission is inclusive of the missions of the centers it replaces.


Principal Investigator: Jelena Srebric
Location: Suite 1200, 5000 College Ave., College Park, MD 20740-3809

The Center for Sustainability in the Built Environment (City@UMD) works to revolutionize the physical infrastructure systems in cities through sustainable distributed systems providing healthy and comfortable environments, energy efficiency, and clean water. City@UMD’s education, research, and technology transfer projects explore properties emerging from the sub-scale processes of cities’ infrastructure.


Advanced Heat Exchangers Lab

Principal Investigator: Michael Ohadi, Amir Shooshtari
Location: Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, Rooms 3131-3135

The Advanced Heat Exchangers Lab is part of the Small and Smart Thermal Systems Laboratory (S2TS). The objective of the Advanced Heat Exchangers and Process Intensification Consortium is to identify at early stages promising emerging technologies in heat and mass transfer enhancement with applications to development of miniaturized and smart heat exchangers and thermal management systems.

Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Hugh Bruck, David Bigio
Location: 1110 J.M. Patterson

The Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory provides the state of the art facilities for realizing next generation products and educating the next generation of engineers.

Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) Lab

Principal Investigator: Ryan D. Sochol
Location: 2152 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Bldg. 088

The Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing (BAM) Laboratory leverages state-of-the-art micro/nanoscale additive manufacturing or "3D printing" technologies to solve mechanically and physically complex biological challenges, with a focus on creating Micro/Nano3D Printing-Enabled “Organ-on-a-Chip” Systems and Multimaterial 3D Printed Microfluidic-Controlled Soft Robotics.


The Center for Advanced Lifecycle Engineering is home to a variety of labs and facilities supporting their research in the development and implementation of physics-of-failure (PoF) approaches to reliability.

Center for Environmental Energy Engineering (CEEE) Labs

The Center for Environmental Energy Engineering is home to several labs supporting their research in environmentally responsible, economically feasible integrated energy conversion systems for buildings and transportation.

Collaborative Controls and Robotics Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Yancy Diaz-Mercado
Location: 2103B Glenn L. Martin Hall, Bldg. 088

The Collaborative Controls and Robotics Laboratory (CCRL) research focus is on developing collaborative autonomy for multi-agent and multi-robot systems using tools from network, optimal, and hybrid control theory. In particular, we exploit coordination to provide scalable solutions to complex problems in diverse applications such as human-swarm interactions, energy harvesting, and autonomous surgery.

Combustion Engineering Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Ashwani K. Gupta
Location: 1123 JM Patterson, Building #083

The Combustion Engineering Laboratory's research objective is to develop a better understanding of the fundamental combustion processes through comprehensive experimental and mathematical modeling studies.

Computational Dynamics Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Balakumar Balachandran

The Computational Dynamics Laboratory is equipped with a network of workstations and multi-node processors. In addition to housing many high-end GPU workstations that are used by students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty, this laboratory has multiple Drobo network attached storage devices (capacity 10 TB each). Research activities being pursued in this laboratory include granular dynamics, fluid-structure interactions, extreme wave phenomena, and long-term forecasting of the behavior of chaotic systems.

Computational Research in Science and Technology Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Peter W. Chung
Location: 2134 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Bldg. 088

The Laboratory for Computational Research in Science and Technology (CRSTLab) develops and applies advanced methods of computing to solve problems at the Frontiers of Computability in Science, and works to illuminate answers to fundamental scientific problems through computing and theory.

Computational Turbulence Laboratory

Computational Turbulence Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Johan Larsson
Location: Engineering Laboratory Building 1174

The Computational Turbulence Laboratory works on inventing new mathematical models and algorithms in the fields of computational science and turbulent flows.

Design Decision Support Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Shapour Azarm
Location: 0109 Engineering Lab, Building #089

The Design Decision Support Laboratory facilitates research in the areas of: deterministic and stochastic (robust) design optimization, multi-attribute design decision making under uncertainty, multi-disciplinary multi-objective sensitivity analysis, reduced-order modeling, and product design for market systems.

Dynamics and Controls Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Balakumar Balachandran
Location: 0107 Glenn L. Martin Hall, Building #088

The facilities of this laboratory complement those in the Vibrations Laboratory and include shakers, vibrometers, and a testbed for granular media studies. Representative examples of research activities pursued in this laboratory include granular dynamics, use of noise for control motions of a variety of nonlinear oscillators, and path planning algorithms for cochlear implant surgeries.

Hydrodynamics Laboratory

Principal Investigator: James Duncan

The University of Maryland Hydrodynamics Laboratory focuses on the experimental and numerical investigations of fluid flows. The lab includes two major experimental facilities, a towing tank and a wave tank, in addition to four minor experimental facilities.

Laboratory for Control and Information Systems

Principal Investigator: Jin-Oh Hahn

The Laboratory for Control and Information Systems at the University of Maryland aims to advance health monitoring and maintenance methodologies applicable to a wide range of dynamic systems by exploiting control and systems theory, with priority emphasis on bio-systems, health and medicine, as well as mechanical systems and structures.

Laboratory for MicroTechnologies

Principal Investigator: Elisabeth Smela

The Laboratory for MicroTechnologies primary focus is creating new technologies that combine inorganic materials with organic materials at the micro-scale.

Maryland MEMs and Microfluidics Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Don DeVoe

he MEMS and Microfluidics Laboratory (MML) is an interdisciplanary group of researchers developing microscale technologies for applications in biology and the biomedical sciences. Research areas include scalable synthesis of nanomedicines, microfluidic diagnostics, high throughput biomarker analysis, and microscale platforms for probing lipid membranes and ion channels.

Multiscale Measurements Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Hugh Bruck

The Multiscale Measurements lab focuses on the characterization and modeling of materials and structures at multiple length scales for a variety of applications, including flapping wing micro-air vehicles, bio-inspired robotics, and multifunctional structures.

Nanometrology Core Facility

Principal Investigator:

Nanometrology Core Laboratory is a shared facility at Mechanical Engineering Department at University of Maryland. Through shared resources at this facility, we offer a wide range of services at micro- and nano-scale measurements to the research community, including advanced characterization technologies, high end instrumentation for micro- and nano-scale measurements, technical support, and education.

Phase Change Heat Transfer Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Jungho Kim

The Phase Change Heat Transfer Laboratory at the University of Maryland investigates the fundamental mechanisms by which heat is transferred using liquid-vapor phase change processes.

Product Innovation & Realization Laboratory Suite (PIRLS) & Design ME Suite

Principal Investigator: Xinan Liu, Aris Cleanthous

The Product Innovation and Realization Laboratory Suite (PIRLS) is part of DesignME, a conglomeration of labs and the ME Machine Shop that took official form during the summer of 2006, and provides tools, resources, capabilities, and access to all students.

SAE Projects Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Leonard Hamilton
Location: 1227 & 1229 J.M. Patterson, Building #083

The SAE Projects Lab provides space and resources to students participating in Terps Racing, the university's baja and formula car competition teams.

Smart and Small Thermal Systems Lab

Principal Investigator: Michael Ohadi

The Small and Smart Thermal Systems Laboratory (S2TS) at the University of Maryland, College Park, is engaged in cutting edge research in the fields of advanced heat and mass and thermal management systems. The research at S2TS is of particular significance to applications in advanced energy conversion, advanced heat/mass exchangers, process intensification, electronics cooling, and innovative design and manufacturing of components for energy conversion systems.

Systems Risk and Reliability Analysis Lab

Principal Investigator: Katrina Groth

The Systems Risk and Reliability Analysis (SyRRA) Lab conducts research to address emerging safety, reliability and security issues for engineered systems, with primary applications in energy and transportation. Our multi-disciplinary research involves integrating information, data, statistics, and models from multiple domains to understand the causes of risk and failure of systems.

nonlinear mechanical metamaterials

Tubaldi Lab

Principal Investigator: Eleonora Tubaldi
Location: Engineering Laboratory Building 1177, 1177a, 1177b

In the Tubaldi Lab, researchers use a combination of theoretical, numerical, and experimental methods to study complex systems at the interface of nonlinear dynamics, soft materials, and fluid-structure interactions. The research spans dynamics of soft tissue, bio-inspired soft robots, and nonlinear mechanical metamaterials.

Vibrations Laboratory

Principal Investigator: Balakumar Balachandran

The Vibrations Laboratory is fully equipped to carry out a variety of vibrations and acoustic analysis and simulation tasks, as well as testing and experimental investigations.