News Story
Pi Tau Sigma Honors Faculty, Teaching Assistants

Professor Zhang is presented with his Faculty Appreciation Award by Pi Tau Sigma President Michael Lochner.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor Guangming Zhang was awarded the Faculty Appreciation Award for the second year in a row for his dedication to students and willingness to spend as much time and effort needed to make sure the students understood the material. The students felt he did an exemplary job conveying the information typically taught in two or three courses in a single course in a clear, lucid manner. Pi Tau Sigma started this award to recognize professors that they feel have performed above and beyond the high expectations of university professors.
Rajesh Pavan Sunkari was honored as the Fall 2006 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for his approachability, responsiveness to questions, and for spending extra time ouside of class with the students. Sunkari was presented with a plaque, and his name will be added to a permanent list of outstanding TAs outside the ME office. The award comes with a $500 honorarium. Rajesh is advised by Associate Professor Linda Schmidt.
The outstanding Teaching Assistant Award is given each semester to a Teaching Assistant in the department of Mechanical Engineering by Pi Tau Sigma. The award consists of $500 from the Department, along with a certificate and an engraving on a plaque provided by Pi Tau Sigma. During a regular meeting, members of Pi Tau Sigma nominate TAs and give a brief speech as to why each nominee should receive the award. At a following meeting, members of Pi Tau Sigma vote on the nominees and select a winner.
Pi Tau Sigma members are those students who seek to create a closer bond of fellowship with each other and are striving and achieving in the highest ideals of Mechanical Engineering. The faculty advisor is Associate Professor Jungho Kim.
Published December 11, 2006