News Story
Pecht Receives IEEE Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor Michael Pecht
Professor Pecht has an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is a Professional Engineer, an IEEE Fellow, and an ASME Fellow. He served as chief editor of the IEEE Transactions on Reliability for eight years and on the advisory board of IEEE Spectrum. He is chief editor for Microelectronics Reliability and an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology. He is the founder of CALCE (Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering) at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he is also a Chair Professor in Mechanical Engineering. He has written more than twenty books on electronic products development, use and supply chain management and over 400 technical articles. He has been leading a research team in the area of prognostics for the past ten years, and has now formed a new Prognostics and Health Management Consortium at the University of Maryland. He has consulted for over 50 major international electronics companies, providing expertise in strategic planning, design, test, prognostics, IP and risk assessment of electronic products and systems. He has previously received the European Micro- and Nano-Reliability Award for outstanding contributions to reliability research, 3M Research Award for electronics packaging, the IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award, and the IMAPS William D. Ashman Memorial Achievement Award for his contributions in electronics reliability analysis.
Published February 14, 2008