News Story
CEEE Annual Meeting
The CEEE Annual Meeting that took place on September 13 and 14 at the University of Maryland Inn and Conference Center represented a tremendous opportunity for CEEE Sponsors to get an update on the status of the projects, to provide a valuable feedback and to discuss and plan future developments.
But CEEE went even further than that by offering a technology transfer workshop for all the people involved in BCHP (Buildings: Cooling, Heating and Power). Presentations focused on the potential of BCHP and discussed the background, introduced individual technologies, presented case studies and showed as examples the system that is currently in operation on the College Park Campus. A tour of the University of Maryland facility was also included. And it turned to be a great success! Companies involved in this field came from all over the country and they were all struck by the great potential of the BCHP concept and of the CEEE particular project. Among them: Arthur D. Little, Kathabar, International Fuel Cells, Curtis, LG, Hill Phoenix, Sebesta Blomberg, Columbia Energy Group, Broad, Honeywell, Trigen, Chesapeake Utilities, Daikin, Fresh Air Solutions, Healthy Buildings, and many more.
For further information about the event, please visit the CEEE web site at or contact us by e-mail at
Published September 19, 2000