News Story
Alumnus John Berger (M.S. ME ’85, Ph.D. ME ’90) Promoted to Senior Associate Provost at Colorado School of Mines

John has been at the Colorado School of Mines since 1994 serving as both Professor and Department Head. According to his faculty biography on the Colorado School of Mines website, John’s research focuses on “dynamic crack growth and crack arrest in brittle and ductile materials, analytical and computational tools for analysis of anisotropic solids, elastic wave-based models for the nondestructive evaluation of cylindrically anisotropic solids, discrete element models for fracture of rock, and numerical/experimental studies of deformation and fracture in functionally graded materials.”
John holds a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Maryland in addition to his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering. While pursuing his Ph.D., John worked under Dr. Jim Dally.
Published January 13, 2021