I frequently see deer on the route either on the paved trail or the surrounding woods.
I commute from my home to the Department by bicycle on a daily basis, weather permitting. Each way is close to 12 miles, so 24 miles a day roundtrip.
The bike route goes through Rock Creek Park, Takoma Park, and Langley Park and includes major roadways and paved trail sections. I cross Georgia Avenue going into Takoma Park and then New Hampshire Avenue when going into Langley Park. The Sligo Creek Trail zigzags back and forth with bridge crossings over the creek as you cycle along the way to New Hampshire Avenue.
In the mornings and evenings, I frequently see deer on the route either on the paved trail or the surrounding woods. In addition to occasional other wildlife, I encounter fellow bicyclists, dog walkers, and runners who greet me along the route. An enjoyable experience when commuting to my workplace.
At work, I find it rewarding to contribute to a welcoming collegial atmosphere by assisting key Department committees and the leadership team with their work, including the appointment, promotion, and tenure process and faculty searches, as well as handling all event logistics for Department meetings and retreats. Everybody’s willingness to work together on common goals and learn in the process is a highlight of my work experience.