Courses taught:

ENME 101                     Computer Engineering: F86

ENME 300                     Material Science: F83

ENME 321                     Heat Transfer: F88, S93

ENME 360                     Vibrations: S84

ENME 404                     Engr. Design: F83

ENME 480                     Engr. Experimentation: F83, S84, F84, S85, F85, S86, F86, F87, S88, F88, S89, F89, S90, F90, S91, S92, F92, F94, S95

            ENME 482                     Engineering for Social Change, F17, F18, F19, (guest lecturer)

ENME 489                     Special Projects: S84, SU84, F84, S85, SU85, F85

ENME 489/808                Product Reliability - Concepts, Processes, Tests, and Applications: S86, S88, S89, S90, S96, F97, S00, S02, S03, S05, S07, S08

ENME 601                     Microprocessors: S85, F85, S87

ENME 612                     Advanced Electronics Packaging: F91, S93, S94,

ENME 690                     Mechanical Fundamentals of Electronic Systems: F02, F03, F05

ENME 695                     Design for Reliability: S03, S06, S07, S09, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24

ENME 737                     Prognostic & Health Management: F06, F07, F09, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F16, F17, F19, F20, F21, F23, F24

ENME 808A                   Batteries- Operation, Modeling, and Reliability: F18

ENME 808X                   Extreme Temperature Electronics: F92, F96

            ENME 808X                   Plastic Encapsulated Microelectronics: S95, S97, F98, F02

ENME 808X                   Materials in Electronics: F99

Advising: Other than Research

Reviewer: Division of Research VPR: W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program Proposals: June 2018

Thesis Committees (last 5 years only)

Served on the PhD Dissertation Examination Committee for Chu Xu, August, 2021.

Served on the PhD Dissertation Examination Committee for Ms. Areen Abdallah Allataifeh, United Arab Emirates University, Feb. 2019.

Served as reviewer for concept papers on behalf of Division of Research at WM Keck Foundation competition, June 2018

Served on George K. Winstead (Co-Advisor along with Dr. David C. Jenn) in MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA, Sept. 2017.

Served as external examiner for Ph.D student, Mohamed Halick Mohamed Sathik of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in June 2017.
